Man Who Said He Wasn’t A Cat Person Fosters 75 Kittens

Christina Ha’s love for cats was deeply ingrained in her from an early age.

She has spent years nurturing and fostering kittens, showing a remarkable dedication to these furry creatures.

Unlike her father – he has always insisted that he is wasn’t a cat person, but this has never deterred her.

She co-founded New York City’s first cat café, Meow Parlour, in 2014 and founded Cat Camp in 2017.

However, when life threw an unexpected curveball, she found herself moving back in with her parents, foster kittens included.

Little did she know that this would lead to a series of touching discoveries about her father’s untapped affection for feline friends.

After a while, Christina began to notice a change in her dad’s attitude towards the kittens.

His indifference was giving way to genuine interest and affection.

It was a subtle shift, but one that spoke volumes.

Christina shared her observations, saying, “I started to notice he was really paying attention to them. And they were paying attention to him.”

The connection that was forming between her father and the kittens became increasingly apparent as time passed.

The more kittens her father encountered, the more his fondness for them grew. And in turn, the kittens seemed to enjoy his company whenever he entered the room.

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Surprisingly, Christina’s dad even had a favorite kitten named Scotty. With pride in his voice, he admitted, “She is acting like almost my family.” 

This newfound bond demonstrated the profound impact that the presence of these kittens had on him, transforming him into a devoted cat lover.

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As Christina temporarily closed her cat cafe due to the challenges of 2020, an unexpected silver lining emerged.

She began crafting cat toys and beds, and to her delight, her parents eagerly joined in to offer their support and assistance.

Drawing on their 40 years of experience in the clothing business, the family worked together with passion and dedication.

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Christina reminisced about this heartwarming period, saying, “It was so incredibly sweet to see them spending time together.”

The family dynamic was blossoming, fuelled by their shared love for the furry companions they were caring for.

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With the entire family involved, they embarked on a remarkable journey, fostering an astounding total of 75 cats and kittens.

But for Christina, the true joy lay in witnessing her father’s transformation and newfound enthusiasm amidst this furry company.

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She said: “His face every single time was exactly the same. He was just so excited to see them.

He’s a sweet guy and a tender person, but he doesn’t want you to know that. And it was so fun for me to see the excitement.”

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In the end, Christina’s tale serves as a reminder that the capacity to become a cat lover resides within each of us.

Those who may claim otherwise have simply not yet experienced the enchanting ability of cats to steal their hearts.

Check out the smiles and the love in the video below:

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