15 Things About Cristiano Ronaldo And Georgina Rodriguez’s Relationship That Confuses Fans

Here are 15 things about Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez’s relationship that just don’t make sense.

A lot of people can’t help but wonder what is really going on between Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez behind closed doors. After all, he is one of the biggest celebrities in the sports world. Many people consider Cristiano to be one of the best soccer players on the pitch right now. Georgina, meanwhile, is one of the most famous models in the Spanish entertainment business. Together, they are an explosive pair.

With that being said, Cristiano and Georgina are also very secretive about their romance, too. No one knows what their next step will be or if Cristiano will ever propose to her. After all, he was head-over-heels in love with his last girlfriend, Irina Shayk. But with Georgina, he is taking things slowly. And according to some critics, even too suspiciously slowly. And that’s why they want to find out what is going on.

To complicate matters even more, both Cristiano and Georgina say very little about their personal lives to the media. Even though they are high-profile celebrities, they keep very low profile when it comes to their personal lives. That’s why we’ve got 15 things about Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez’s relationship that just don’t make sense below.

The First Baby Mama Rumors

As we all know, Cristiano does not like to talk about his romances, ever. There’s still a lot of suspicious over his first baby mama rumors from nearly eight years ago!

Here’s what the Daily Mirror reported back in 2010, “Most of the world believed that Ronaldo had actually used a surrogate mother to have his baby – but the Sunday Mirror can reveal the truth of his sudden unexpected fatherhood.”

“After hearing the baby was his, he told friends ‘I feel like Boris Becker’ – a reference to the tennis star who fathered a love-child after [being intimate] just once in a London restaurant – which cost him £20m. Football fans reacted with disbelief when Ronaldo, whose conquests include socialite Paris Hilton and reality TV star Imogen Thomas, suddenly announced on July 3 that he had a son. In a cryptic message posted on Facebook, he told how the baby’s mother wanted to remain private and declared: ‘My son will be under my exclusive guardianship.’ He later said the baby had been named Cristiano after him. And the little boy’s mother has been paid a life-changing $15.1million to keep her identity confidential and to hand the child over to Ronaldo’s family.”

The Timing Of Her Pregnancy

Here’s another thing that has got people thinking: there were reports indicating that Cristiano was expecting twins via a surrogate last year, even though he was dating Georgina at the time. And right after those rumors came out, there were other ones that suggested Georgina was pregnant with their first child, too! And wouldn’t you know it, Cristiano ended up welcoming three children in the same year: his twins and his biological child with Georgina.

One can only wonder if all of this was planned or a big surprise for the couple. Either way, he’s never offered any real explanations over the timing of his pregnancy.

The Daily Mail reported back in 2017, “Cristiano Ronaldo has confirmed girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez is pregnant with his fourth child following months of speculation. The 32-year-old was asked by Spanish news outlet El Mundo whether he was ‘happy’ to have another child on the way, he replied: ‘Yes, very much.’ Georgina, 23, has been pictured sporting a small bump in recent months, but her mother had previously denied she was expecting. The footballer legend has only just welcomed two new additions to his growing family following the birth of twins Mateo and Eva in June.”

They Don’t Do Interviews Together

Whenever Cristiano talks to the media, it’s usually about his love for the game of football. After all, it’s a subject that he can talk about all day long! But when it comes to his personal life, his family, his children, and his romances, it’s a different story. Cristiano is very well aware of how manipulative the media can be and that’s why he’s worked hard to protect himself and his reputation throughout the years. That might also be the reason why he refuses to do joint interviews with Georgina. As a matter of fact, Georgina has very little to say about anything, unless it’s on social media. But if there is one thing we do know, it’s how they fell in love. Here’s what The Sun wrote:

“Before becoming Ronaldo’s girlfriend, Georgina worked at a Gucci store in the Spanish capital of Madrid. It’s believed the Spanish beauty caught the eye of Cristiano Ronaldo in the VIP area of a Dolce & Gabbana event.”

“After the event, the pair apparently started dating in secret for months before going public with their romance at the French theme park.But, while it’s difficult to know exactly how long Ronaldo and Georgina have been together, their first public date was in mid-November 2016.”

Cristiano Puts His Kids Before His Girlfriend

A lot of people were shocked to find out that Cristiano was expecting his first child via a surrogate back in 2010. Cristiano is the kind of athlete who can easily have any woman in the world. Also, many of the most beautiful women in the world would love to have a man like Cristiano by his side. But again, Cristiano likes to protect himself. He has made it pretty clear that he will always put his children before his love interests and that he will protect them no matter what. Nothing or no one will go between him and his children. According to Hello Magazine, here’s what Cristiano had to say back in 2011:

 “Of course something like this affects you. It’s a different type of responsibility. Maybe I feel more comfortable. I’m comfortable when things are going well: my family, the club, my friends, that gives me important support for everything else.”

In addition, they wrote, “The former Manchester United star says he would be delighted if his son followed in his footsteps. ‘I would love him to like football, for him to be my successor, but we’ll see what happens. My son will be whatever he wants.’”

Georgina Is Nothing Like His Ex Irina

Cristiano Ronaldo and his ex-girlfriend Irina Shayk had a long, hot, and if not rather complicated relationship. For the longest time they were truly considered the most beautiful couple in the world. Unlike Georgina Rodriguez, Irina does put the “super” in supermodel. She graces the covers of some of the biggest magazines in the world, headlines important campaigns, and is a household name on both sides of the pond. The same can’t be said about Georgina Rodriguez. In fact, critics will say that she’s not of the same caliber as Irina and that Cristiano might have downgraded himself by being with Georgina. To each their own, right?

But then again, you’ve got to get a load of this! Here’s what Britain The Sun reports, “Cristiano Ronaldo has told pals he still loves ex Irina Shayk, saying: ‘She’s the one that got away.’The pair met in 2010 but model Irina, 32, called time on the relationship three years ago. A pal said: ‘Ronaldo is holding a torch for her. He regrets the way they ended and still takes an interest in her life. He believes he and Irina split because she wanted a baby. He already had son Cristiano Jnr and was focused on football.’”

She Isn’t Like His Other Exes Either

Speaking of Cristiano Ronaldo’s exes, trust us when we say that he’s had plenty of them! Before he had his long-term relationships with Irina Shayk and Georgina Rodriguez, he dated some of the hottest celebrity females both in Europe and in America. He even spent a lot of time traveling to Los Angeles while he was supposedly dating socialite Paris Hilton. And mind you, this was still during Paris Hilton’s prime and before she got booted from the spotlight by her former closet organizer, Kim Kardashian (man, those were different times, weren’t they?). These days we doubt that Cristiano would even look twice if he were to ever run into Paris Hilton. She’s just not on the same level that she used to be in terms of fame.

The Daily Mirror once reported, “Last summer, on a trip to Los Angeles that would see him hanging out with Paris Hilton, Ronaldo strutted into a restaurant and spotted the future mother of his son. A friend said: “Ronni looked the girl in the eye and said extremely directly: ‘Me, you […] She was taken aback and just said: ‘What!’ She didn’t actually understand what he meant. She was totally nonplussed. The window by his table was steamed up, so he drew a love heart on it with his finger. Then he said, ‘Me, you, kiss,’ and the penny dropped.”

Then There Was Kim Kardashian

Of course, we can’t mention Paris Hilton without name dropping Kim Kardashian here. Yes, it does seem like Cristiano Ronaldo did have a liking for reality television stars back in the day. What’s more, it seems as though Kimmy Cakes had her eyes on Cristiano while she was dating another lesser-known soccer player at the time. And while Kim was technically with her man, she did have her eyes on Cristiano. While we might never know what they might or might not have done behind closed doors, we do know that they were spotted on numerous occasions before 2010.

Strangely enough, Kim has revealed any details about her relationship with Crispy.

In Touch Weekly reported back in 2010, “On August 1, Kim Kardashian beamed in the stands at the Dallas Cowboys’ football practice, watching her boyfriend, Miles Austin, as if he were the only man on earth. Yet two days later, as the bootylicious star strolled through the lobby of The Beverly Hills Hotel with soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo, it seemed as if Miles was the last thing on Kim’s mind. Cristiano, who has become somewhat of a ladies man, not only has a girlfriend — model Irina Shayk, 24 — he is also the father of a baby boy, whose mother has not been named.”

They Are Very Secretive About Their Relationship

Cristiano hasn’t really engaged in many scandals (at least not officially), but he has given the media and the tabloid magazines a thing of two to talk about over the years. A lot of critics have a feeling that Cristiano has not only grown up, but learned his lessons over the years, too. He’s more careful now and who he can trust and who he can’t trust. As a result, his circle of friends have become more smaller and tight-knit over the years. He’s also very careful about what he will reveal and what he won’t reveal about his relationship with Georgina. While there are some people who think that it might be some sort of arrangement, Cristiano has never said a word about it in public.

According to Brainy Quotes, Cristiano once said, “We cannot live being obsessed with what other people think about us. It’s impossible to live like that. Not even God managed to please the entire world. My father always taught me that when you help other people, then God will give you double. And that’s what has really happened to me. When I have helped other people who are in need, God has helped me more.”

They Keep Their Personal Lives Very Private

Georgina must have gotten some very good coaching because she too has very little to say about Cristiano in public. In fact, she’s never said anything about his as a boyfriend, as a partner, or even as a father. She knows better than to spill the tea on the world’s most celebrated and talented football player. But if there is one thing that Georgina is, it’s very supportive of Cristiano and his football career.

Whenever there is a win, she takes to her social media account almost immediately to celebrate with him and his teammates. Suffice to say, she’s a very proud girlfriend!

“What a special day! Let’s toast for now without alcohol and instead with your well-deserved trophies. For all of your effort, dedication, sacrifice, and so many hours of training to be at another level,” the Spanish model wrote as a caption on an Instagram post. “Your life is soccer, and this is clearly reflected in the field. Keep being like this, always striving, and I’ll be here by your side, supporting you, giving you love, tranquility and all that you need when you get home. In good times and in bad times, because there couldn’t be any other way. We love and admire you, champion.”

Is Georgina Just a Red Carpet Girlfriend?

Some critics and fans out there think that Georgina Rodriguez is nothing more than a red carpet girlfriend. After all, a guy like Cristiano Ronaldo can’t walk the carpet by himself, right? He needs someone to show off to in front of the media and the paparazzi. And from what we can tell, that’s a job that Georgina does very well.

She poses, she smiles, and above all, she looks good. But is this really what their relationship is all about? It’s doubtful, but then again only Cristiano knows the truth.

Then again, there’s more to the model than what meets the eye. Georgina absolutely loves being a mother: “Alana Martina was born on 11-12-17. Being a mother and caring for the children at home for all of this time has helped me experience a supreme happiness and now with the arrival of Alana Martina, we are now complete, and happier than ever,” the 23-year-old new mom wrote in Spanish, according to E! Online back in 2017. “I want to personally thank the hospital for the impeccable attention they’ve given us before, during and after the labor. I also want to thank our family and friends for the calls, messages, visits, and thoughtfulness they’ve had with us over the past couple of days.”

Cristiano’s Relationship With His Mother

Here’s a fact: Cristiano Ronaldo has had plenty of women come and go in his life. In fact, he’s probably dated more women than he’s willing to admit to. But if there’s one person that will always be by his side, it’s his mother. His mother and his sister are two women that he can rely on, through thick and thin. As they say, you can have a hundred different girlfriends or wives, but you can just have one mother. And that Cristiano obviously takes very seriously.

Page Six reported back in 2010, “Ronaldo is planning to raise his son in Spain, where he plays for Real Madrid. His sister, Katia Aveiro, told a Portuguese newspaper that the baby, weighing 9 pounds, 8 ounces, is the spitting image of his brown-eyed, dark-haired daddy. Ronaldo was said to have planned to have the child with the mystery woman months before he met his current girlfriend, Russian model Irina Shayk. The handsome athlete wants a baby, said a source close to him, because he ‘has millions, has a great career, but he didn’t have a child.’ Ronaldo, who lost his father five years ago, is close with his mother, Dolores Aveiro, who sources say will likely take care of the boy with him.”

All Of Those Rumors

And while there’s no doubt that women like to throw themselves on someone like Cristiano (because let’s face it – he’s handsome!), he’s had plenty of rumors plague him over the years, too. And by rumors, we mean the ones about his romantic orientation. But Cristiano has always managed to take the high road here. He’s never fought back his critics, he’s never made his comments and most importantly, he’s never let these rumors bring him down in any way. He keeps his head up high. For Cristiano, what he does behind closed doors is his business and his business only. He’s also made it a point to never speak poorly or gossip about anyone else in his life, whether they were connected to him professionally or personally.

According to Brainy Quotes, Cristiano once said, “Many people look at me and think they know me but they don’t at all. This is the real me. I am a humble person, a feeling person. A person who cares about others, who wants to help others. There are people out there who hate me and who say I’m arrogant, vain, and whatever. That’s all part of my success. I am made to be the best.”

Her Modeling Career

As we mentioned about, you can’t really categorize Georgina in the same way you can with Irina Shayk. She’s more of a Page 3 model than a Victoria’s Secret model. Yet, a lot of people have noticed that Georgina has done less modeling these days. In fact, she seems to have put her career on hold. Instead, she’s now more widely known as Cristiano Ronaldo’s girlfriend than anything else. And it’s something that she seems to enjoy as well.

Speaking about her first couple of months dating Cristiano, Georgina said, “I was hiding, but they (paparazzi) were going to look for me at the store. They also called Gucci and asked about me, pretending to be clients of mine. Since I had to become very loyal to my clients, I would get on the phone and then listen to a voice to work out if they were being truthful. Around Gucci there were always eight or ten photographers waiting for me. The director told me to go down to the basement because he did not want to see me in the store. I started to be very uncomfortable and then I left Gucci and went to the Prada store in El Corte Inglés.”

Their Future Family Plans

Right now, no one knows what the future holds for Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriquez. For now, they seem to be enjoying life as a couple with no strings attached. They are also madly in love. Of course, they have their child and Georgina also helps raise his other children, but from what we can tell, it’s Cristiano that is pulling all the strings behind closed doors. And Georgina seems to be enjoying the perks of being Cristiano Ronaldo’s girlfriend while also enjoying a very comfortable life behind closed doors. But as far as having even more children in the future, that remains to be seen. Right now, it doesn’t seem like the door is open or shut for that matter. Both have remained rather mum on the topic.

According to 101 Great Goals, “Spanish news outlet XLSemanal have scored an exclusive interview with Georgina Rodriguez. Cristiano Ronaldo’s girlfriend rarely talks to the media, but she’s opened up in a lengthy Q&A about her background, her career, life with Ronaldo and being a mother. XL Semanal closed out the Q&A asking Georgina where she sees herself in ten years. Her reply: With my big children, I do not see myself with more children.”

Will They Ever Get Married?

Of course, the natural next step is to get married. But at the same time, Cristiano doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that can be held down, if you know what we mean. Yet, there are recent reports that indicate Cristiano might be thinking about buying an engagement ring for Georgina. Or at least, that’s what the model wants us to believe. She’s apparently been shopping for engagement rings by checking them out on social media. Talk about an obvious way to drop a hint, right? She’s making it no secret that yes, she does want to become the next Mrs. Cristiano Ronaldo – and soon, too.

Here’s what The Sun has to say about it: “Although the pair have kept tight-lipped over a future wedding, the type of ring is the biggest hint yet that the loved-up duo are set to get hitched. The Real Madrid ace appears to have spared no expense, with estimates suggesting he forked out a whopping £615,000 on the Cartier ring. Cartier advertise it as an engagement ring and recently uploaded a picture of it on Instagram. Rodriguez, who has 4.6 million followers on the social media site, commented with a string of heart emojis.”

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